Integrating NetCrunch with Clickatell SMS gateway

This article will show you how to configure NetCrunch to work with Clickatell text messaging platform.

Adding Clickatell Auth Profile in NetCrunch

NetCrunch is supporting 3 ways of integrating with Clickatell - depending on which type of account you have, you can use one of the ways mentioned below.

Account created before November 2016 - Communicator/Central:

Clickatell :

Username + Password and APP ID = HTTP API.

Clickatell HTTP API

Clickatell Secure:


Clickatell REST API

After November 2016 - SMS Platform - available in NetCrunch 10

Clickatell SMS Platform - REST API

Clickatell sms platform

Create an alert that uses Clickatell to send SMS to a selected phone number.

First thing is to open Alert Escalation Scripts MonitoringAlert Escalation Scripts

Here you can create a new alerting script or edit an already existing one.

Click on AddAction to run Immediately to create instant SMS notification on alert generation

Select Integrations tab and double-click on SMS via Clickatell

If you have already added an integration profile, it should be selected in the Profile Name drop-down menu. The last thing to do is to add the destination number (or numbers separated by commas).

If you are using SMS Platform, you can go for the two-way integration. To utilize this functionality, you can add Number to the From field. Create alerting Script

To make sure that everything has been properly configured, click on the Test button to check if the SMS has been delivered to the selected phone number.

You can assign this alerting script to any alert in NetCrunch where you want to receive SMS on alert raise.


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