How to send SMS/text messages from NetCrunch via SMSEagle gateway

SMSEagle is a hardware SMS Gateway. NetCrunch can use it to provide SMS-based notifications. This article will explain how to configure and utilize this feature.

SMSEagle side

The only thing that is required is the user with sufficient rights to send an SMS/text message - it's recommended to set a dedicated user for NetCrunch only.

Enable NetCrunch to send SMS via SMSEagle

To enable NetCrunch to send SMS, the first thing is to set up an Integration Profile. To do so, click Top MenuMonitoring Integration Profiles at the top of the NetCrunch application and select SMSEagle or add the next integration profile by clicking on the + icon.

Integration Profile

This profile requires a few information:

  • Name of the profile (it is generated automatically, but you can provide your own if you prefer)
  • Type of Connection (HTTP or HTTPS) and Port (if it is different than default)
  • Hostname or IP Address
  • Username and Password.

Create an Alerting Script which sends SMS via the gateway

To allow NetCrunch to utilize the Integration, it's necessary to create an Alerting Script (or edit the already existing one). The steps below explain how to create a new Alerting Script.

  • Click Top MenuMonitoring Alerting Escalation Script
  • In Alerting Scripts Window click + Add Alerting Script
  • Click + Add and select Action to Run Immediately
  • Click the Integrations tab and select SMSEagle.
Create alerting Script

A new window will appear, here you can select Time, View, and Severity restrictions related to sending an SMS. As for other parameters, it's mandatory to select Profile Name and provide at least one telephone number (multiple numbers should be separated by commas). The country code is not required if the number has the same country code as the code set on the device.

The last thing to do is to test the integration - click on the Test button.

Test the integration

The text message should now appear on the device.

You can now assign this Alerting Script to any Alert or Monitoring Pack rule you want, and NetCrunch will send SMS if such an Alert occurs.



NetCrunch Network Monitoring

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