Sending NetCrunch alerts to Slack channel
You can use NetCrunch to send notifications and messages to various web services. In this article, we will explain how to configure your NetCrunch to send messages to a Slack channel.
In this article we will explain and show how to set up your NetCrunch to send alerts to your selected Slack channel.
Enable NetCrunch to post in Slack
To enable NetCrunch to post important alerts directly into your channel, you need to first set up an Integration Profile for Slack in NetCrunch. To do so, click ToolsIntegration Profiles.
In the editor, the new Integration Profile needs to be named and you will be asked for a "Webhook URL". To configure such an URL, we follow the link:
All you have to do, is to add Integration to channel where NetCrunch should send messages.

Create an Alert sending messages to Slack
To allow NetCrunch to utilize Slack integration, it's necessary to create an alerting script (or edit the already existing one). Steps below explain how to create a new alerting script.
Click ToolsAlerting & ReporingAlerting Scripts
In Alerting Scripts Window click Add Alerting Script
Click Add and select Action to Run Immediately
Click Integrations tab and select Slack message

New window will appear, there's not much of configuring here. Make sure that you are using correct profile. Test sending messages to a Slack channel by clicking the Test button. Small window with the test procedure will appear, and if everything is configured properly, the test should finish with "OK" and test message should now appear on the channel where NetCrunch should send the messages.

After such alerting script is attached to various alerts, NetCrunch will send messages to Slack each time when given alert is generated.
Slack allows to further customize your integration with NetCrunch, creating different channels for various alert types from NetCrunch or various user groups - you can even upload your own Icon of NetCrunch bot.