Converting NetCrunch alerts into tickets in the Mojo Helpdesk

View step-by-step instructions on setting up your NetCrunch to send tickets to your Mojo Helpdesk.

Enable NetCrunch to post alerts to Mojo Helpdesk

To enable NetCrunch to post selected alerts directly into your Mojo Helpdesk, you need to first set up an Integration Profile. To do so, click Monitoring Integration Profiles at the top of the NetCrunch application.

In the editor, the new Integration Profile needs to be named and you will be asked for a "Subdomain" and an "API Access Key". The Subdomain can be found in your Helpdesk URL (i.e. test for The Access Key can be found in your Mojo Helpdesk Profile Settings. You might want to consider creating a new User to create tickets on behalf of NetCrunch only - to keep a better overview.

Integration Profiles

Create an alert sending a ticket to Mojo Helpdesk

To allow NetCrunch to utilize the integration, it's necessary to create an alerting script (or edit the already existing one). The steps below explain how to create a new alerting script.

  • Click Monitoring Alerting Escalation Scripts
  • In the Alerting Scripts Window click Add Alerting Script
  • Click Add and select Action to Run Immediately
  • Click Integrations tab and select Mojo Helpdesk Ticket
Create alerting Script

A new window will appear and NetCrunch will take a moment to load your Ticket Queues. You can also add a "Ticket Form ID" to use a specific Ticket Form, but please keep in mind that this Ticket Form has to include the fields "Subject", "Queue", "Priority" and "Description". The ID of the Form can be found in the URL when editing the Forms settings (i.e.

Make sure that you are using correct profile. Test sending messages to your Helpdesk by clicking Test. A small window with the test procedure will appear, and if everything is configured properly, the test should finish with "Successfully executed" and a test message should now appear in the Helpdesk where NetCrunch should send the messages.

Test the Integration

However, this will not work with the "Close Ticket" operations. To test the "Close Ticket" operations you need to create an alerting script with "Open Ticket" operation as an Action to Run Immediately and a "Close Ticket" operation as an Action to Run on Alert Close. You can choose between "Update and Close Ticket" which comments the ticket and then changes the status to the one you select in this configuration, or "Delete Ticket" which deletes the ticket completely.

Then select a node and create an alert (for example Node Monitoring Disabled) to test and assign the alerting script to this alert. The following steps explain how to create a "Node Monitoring Disabled" alert for a single node.

  • Right-click the node where you want to create an alert
  • Select the Node Settings and click Alerts&Reports in the node settings window
  • Click Add Alert, select the Basic tab and choose Node monitoring is disabled
  • Right-click the new Alert and select Assign Predefined Alerting Script Your Script name
Assign the alerting Script

Now if you trigger the alert (Disable the Node Monitoring), you will create a ticket. If this alert is closed (Node Monitoring Enabled) the ticket will be commented and the status will be updated. After such alerting script is attached to various alerts, NetCrunch will send messages to Mojo Helpdesk each time when the given alert is generated.


It is also possible to send tickets to different Ticket Queues. This can be done by creating different alerting scripts for each Ticket Queue. Make sure to name your alerting scripts descriptively to avoid confusion when assigning them later. Also, it is possible to post tickets with a different user, but for this, you have to create a new Integration Profile with a new API Access Key. This enables you to distinguish even easier from what department the issues come from and which of your monitored nodes currently has a problem.

integrationmojo helpdesk

NetCrunch Network Monitoring

Network Maps, Dashboards, and Alerts.
Monitor anything. Network, cloud, config.